Acupuncture describes a specific medical technique and tool of one of Chinese Medicine’s five major modalities; Chinese Medicine is a Whole Medical System. Over the past two decades, there has been unprecedented growth in the practice of acupuncture in the West: however, TCM has theoretical roots over 2000 years old. We have modern techniques, but TCM remains unchanged. There is NO AMERICAN ACUPUNCTURE.

Facts about acupuncture

  • Acupuncture is very safe and has few-no side effects though it is a Clinical Medicine
  • Acupuncture is a Complementary Medicine – it is not “anti” Western Medicine
  • Acupuncture is a practical, Physical medicine. Primarily influencing Blood Flow-
  • The first evidence of Acupuncture dates to 1523 B.C.
  • Little was known about Acupuncture in the U.S before 1971
  • Today there are 20,000+ U.S. Acupuncturists. Most have an MSc –
  • Acupuncturists receive complete Chinese Medicine training and must also achieve a Master of Science degree.
  • Acupuncture is part of a Medical practice that has served vast populations for over 2000 years.
  • Acu-points are found all over the body and are safe to use when properly needed.
  • Acu-Point selection is guided by Chinese Medical Theory.


  • Classified the ‘acupuncture needle’ as a Standard Medical Device in 1994.
  • Estimates that over 12 Million treatments are administered every year.
  • Reports that Acupuncture and TCM drive a 0.5 Billion dollar micro-economy annually.

How Does it Work?

  • Circulation and Anti-Inflammation
  • Chinese Medicine speaks of Acu-points (and Meridians) as a functional, conducting network within the body that primarily improves Circulation.
  • Emerging research wisdom accepts that our endocrine, immune and nervous systems are a whole and work together to influence tissue repair and inflammation.
  • Some evidence proposes that needles activate Neural pathways ~ TCM focuses on influencing blood flow, tissue perfusion, and blood supply to the Nerves
  • Some suggest that an interplay of signals between neural and connective tissue components, triggered by the needles, affects the cells surrounding the Acu-points
  • Some describe the action of needling as ‘modulating an information system’ mediated by a neuro-fascial network; Activation points in the soft tissue –
  • Acupuncture + the Human Body